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Strategic DDD 🗺️
Modelling our app is a prior step to coding, but absolutely essential. Due to the complexity of DDD, it’s a must to plan our actions and define some basic concepts and put it together:
Bounded context 🔴 🔵 🟤 Eric Evans defined it like “An operational definition of where a particular model is well-defined and applicable. Typically a sub-system, or the work owned by a particular team. “. I’ve read many bounded context definitions but I remember the most one which was something like: “1 bounded context = 1 independent team = 1 infrastructure”. I think this is easier to figure out what it is givin some example like this.
Modules ❔ are a logic division inside bounded contexts. They usually are kind of namespaces that hosts parts of the same concept (user,userRepository…)
Ubiquitous language 🗣️ Maybe we could think that the language we use within our team will be understood by everyone in the same way and it is not necessarily like this. I understood like this : User, for IT is a role, for accounting department is a bank account and for delivery department is an address. This makes necessary to create a standart and the translation from business to code.
Context Mapping 🗺️ Identifying bounded context and, more important, their relationships :
- Shared kernell are shared clases which can be used by more than one BC or even more than one module
- Big ball of mud is the 🍝 code, the legacy which nobody want to toch just beacuse if it blows. DDD also is about transforming this legacy code into a pretty well structured code.
❗ There are tons of better posts which bring us a lot of great info about strategic DDD. There is a recurrent think among DDD experts, and it is about the tremendous mistake avoid strategical DDD is.
some really good sources about strategic DDD
- tackling-business-complexity-with-strategic-domain-driven-design
- what are modules in DDD?
- Big ball of mud